Style Of wearing Bangles
Style of wearing Bangles
Bangles are a reflection of a civilization particularly in subcontinent,the use of bangles was very important.Here the bangles are recognizing our civilization.Bangles were wearable by different ways in different ages.In subcontinent,the style of wearing bangles is civilized and cultural but now a days,these all the customs are changing with the time.The making of bangles with different materials was different in different ages.
These materials are famous in the modern age but Mud was also used for the making of bangles in ancient times.
Style of wearing bangles
In the ancient times,the use of wearing bangles was in feet but with the changing of time,the use of wearing bangles became famous in the arms but that time again changed,the use of wearing bangles became decent in the wrists.
In first days ,women were simple.They had not wish to show herself attractive but modern era makes wrong this talk and now here is a great importance to look better.Bangles are available in the market in a lots of designs.Yet,women understand herself uncomplete without bangles.
Here are some attractive and fashionable bangles designs which are wearable with differnt styles.
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