Thursday 29 September 2011

Best Trimming Tips

Split ends are very common these days. The reasons can be many, the most common being dryness and ill-treatment of hair. We bring to you, various ways and measures to minimize split ends.
• Trimming Tips:
This is on of the best way to reduce split ends. It will allow your hairs for further growth. Get your hair trimmed at least once every two months.
• Don’t Split Them:
When you feel that your hairs are become split, then you never do it intentionally.
• Wash Your Hair Regularly and Properly
you make your scalp clean and soft and fresh. Hairs are very important in your whole look. You wash your hairs properly from root to tip.

• Conditioner:
it is not important to condition your hairs because it can also damage your hairs. If you want to use conditioner and shampoo then you use them according to your hairs type.
• Don’t Comb Wet Hair
You can not comb in the wet hairs because wet hairs are not strong and that’s why in wet hairs the breakage of your hairs are very common. In this way for split ends further.
• Moisturize:
You use moisturizing shampoo for your hairs because it makes your hairs soft and shinny. It will also nourish your hairs and avoid split ends.
• Massage Regularly With Oil:
You can do massage in twice or once in a week because it gives extra nourishment to your hairs and turn of having split ends.  You ca use oil from root to the tip and that’s why it will give you extra benefit to your hairs.
• Heat Them Less:
You just get rid off from using straightening irons, blow-dryers, curling irons, etc. it prevent your hairs from splitting and damaged.
• Comb Gently:
You comb your hairs not gently; you comb it slowly because gently your hairs are more broke. Use that comb which has wide tooth.
• Be Safe Against The Sun:
You covers your hair with a hat or a scarf to prevent you from the UV sunrays. Mostly girls wear suits with their dupatta for covering her head from the sunrays.
 They remains safe their hairs from the sun harmful rays.


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